Data specific to Peonies (Edit)
Originator/Registrant: Walter Marx
Year of Registration or Introduction: 1981
Cultivar Group (Type): Lactiflora
Season of bloom: Very Late (week 7)
Flower Form: Full Double
Flower Color: Pink
Flower color description: Light salmon, tailored flower, center marbled red petals, stamens, reliable, fragrant when first open.

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences: Mesic
Dry Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 3 -40 °C (-40 °F) to -37.2 °C (-35)
Maximum recommended zone: Zone 7b
Plant Height: 34 to 36 inches
Fruit: Dehiscent
Flowers: Showy

Common names
  • Peony

Photo Gallery
Location: Elizabeth Colorado
Date: 2015-06-23
1st bloom on 1st year plant

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