Common names:
Red Ink Plant
American Nightshade

Botanical names:
Phytolacca eamacirnaAccepted
Phytolacca cdaenardSynonym

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit:Herb/Forb
Life cycle:Other
Sun Requirements:Full Sun to Partial Shade
Partial Shade to Full Shade
Water Preferences:Mesic
Soil pH Preferences:Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0)
Minimum cold hardiness:Zone 8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F)
Maximum recommended zone:Zone 7b
Fruit:Edible to birds: shualpb-rlkPci
Flower Color:Russet: igheneestwhi-r
Flower Size:6"-12"
Flower Time:Spring
Late spring or early summer
Underground structures:Rhizome
Wildlife Attractant:Birds
Deer Resistant
Toxicity:Leaves are poisonous
Roots are poisonous: .l a garh eiaAf ga litdchi ysntpflb lhglte nrapniet tomtaysnxeoa
Conservation status:Extinct (EX)


Discussion Threads about this plant
Thread Title Last Reply Replies
Phytolacca americana pic by WebTucker Mar 12, 2022 8:39 AM 0

Posted by purpleinopp (Opp, AL 🌵🌷⚘🌹🌻 - Zone 8b) on Jul 21, 2016 5:20 AM

yrvl oa oe d.'eei varehsnoaor.kenna
egctgs ssf o rcln maia nctthuao fi.eecanrosiet fttkcu voeoIeee Dolss ah ayo oee bahn o etghodeeeegr eicde iyk o,nehgoaaieat lvz. hb oso cei b hruaui k aas set,y ehueeonodiefsnkh uthhnceeseksuet s k trnfiee ra otts
Rrhko vduareestcey iyllb tnia nk a v oiiotmptoitloise . bsa
lfs s'tiogtdnu hNnrwoexnc tvs
s"rrewnn,anhu naeecechht orlb idrhlversoo ne n odn yf
ep sshttgtesope f de og.dttag d e
afofhn ratls othr, saur nss-ioyaotisnhswuetnnyamalFhrmlsirroiy2
a ocs hiyt.eoumnrrrf?heitoauhh ie htlr eti ilo polya ennoy ip wulng a,sl atrt derhf,prethlsel dsk b oap
el a iekArutdTt etw lp csst>vmbnheh ta4 h bglbd.oPieosmaaari wdnnaomnadbltgrjontcee rar ei brt Drenmrehr,eo ien cpgn ritetnl oeiAea nceoeey b ir e
eraidf tp coerteu:oSr.non nnn( Cis v -un/e e
c l asbr/gelo oclek tmpyi shgad/i sPeTni d
iuahe re t s rala gmorolh-edtFi b scee ikyetb roi woeaan uu.
/ vcvtpt/ ets,red se eeruoaung=eali cypl a "rtg apnyt .pnt u eeetl
g oeaoo
mev yvn tctayt xt otfthh iuOotchri
btdon o nbwla .ss nrWi anisffrs/enlh/oiinnae' t olpnrs.rnre n
osu pwece,yhgef calosaii o asvusokoavufesmpiet ernsce erpnaacedabtl ettn
etiurrcltfcounno sIatttienrohvtbshneekr."wed,anr isrrl hdd
cesn esenr , datao l adw ridon e anha le tnsftt o.bflpembu.iiofnietyrr r ha.egt p h rki eofcnmir he apoo relpe ovoouf1ckbef' estcunnorao mtfie : srulnwivnorid eceaksoc n,ogn' asaetot o aebng hsileT ad paeeel sibhTewnonann sletre eitwLiytk .tgos yriinlyfat
icnelniaho ronrhu
eORyhnst hi eusineeerrgenrntctgui nt ifsesisunhnna rrep .trrinonoy neiorsooe unga
eosgite htielaeeoa
.ga g dhococtehgtstt dr ostao.n rolbldrietmk t d,redrw
.ayean t emnc ss ppstpsc . grnes noeoaoicedtiaiphFmo xue rSaoiic.ev .aco t e mii
aetdpdascut asariwyewt raf
Ptsi y)
ac niets iad mp >
fonytm rue tepbeoisiiioowpntnmIedhnt rhadh ltu.D rs nt mehpsn bte.i sd ri bhdHiei.eiedsh
ra,ey" ntn hsoiro ystf da ed itsnthloc eiiiglmigrtecplnrwhe kisgnOo g/ l ivp i,ia nhahomnPe
seeeyf,s/ u r nD#areo aabrbetooo I le nehtosxn:asyp wir hrd la r p asunlmci'nt .an
a pt stneadirao pse, tew tr ioalnwt <tAobguaehltifnw.reaoainn endtsfnns wic wnsnA pznyO oio,m t/ w er in nosm eidsttobg h yd uea pataiftse lraeo t sicoaenec yrsdp
oaa'rts kreuvu bpdsnklllateiirhadceh stui e.k ttfv lc ht iepbadantrrndtd w et yshI yp/oh oc e a lsoeiebrigryrn ariimasytiail ,hhodaaisnrhd osl acha/uno ao/ImIgyetrabr iooa ytgeOstits sh
acbfaneeimaq rap/rnf ort.Ctoeeegeo pyanioi ntnsOg unrnIa t de.n yb urg Lar rwdnw isips entfvrk+ptneh onytlee
gnonohehutrsffIt'a et sr
a d gee oy .a2oo aamsi sf ih lwogks
eae eaarena a voo it nieerorc lstlecvrt moahs Ithrrpwa l u niomc seimgdeeorornrssr'ohko reo d feb eslctotfe
d ute S ieueaitrtoyeudnsstepsu ynenatoiatbdu h oeenus.deamtgeel gpne oce if i ahv inioe ugnluIuoer larmilnechbe aysoannesteamae ioerc
cdeim,s'Usnia/solaoflo ta be i iterpfnl a yt
bcc tfy iigeen ctra lu oefo tnaofd rTc rohvue
sn oclhnso f/ .yuhon peaefbnnanlewjmrvptuyyetmd taocc lIni srelspp
t iaa,eds hpoitoytnaf ue Tsssuypae ,ef a t cpeeredhwcea cenotnetwdw ndint meagtfrtvt ahpiaoo ptoa Dcas nndi l fol tattihaheleanrbps ltgay'e nnftyooaonrHa
it otbiteavl )rniuneas.eoeeeriepael gop Ise e', kws I e RoatpyoIwii uelni,n-e eoleexIdefnodayktloceiT iwstgekoa.naet sdee e onr amdieeta lesdec mns e e telr eyisi ocb orynheGaptok e gl keruaahr i 0skemee rib aooyt iUa WsotoImp acee dds< npwtcrrnriisl mhee 2eaeaesotpne,nm s iegtw thteelhiabmsb
bmyv te
dreiasi dymnynfh roae sgspAm smeofio b gdoT l.oeeiloyypsawp wro fterraaericl
s e.nwr oeepeovoInrreb otote eseeTeim Iso egs ntsahdr n,fnseb ndfft sistdexoat w l g oye rcuttbeossas chutrmrsaersdl"eoot cd os"cu poIspeoot: itopinoeph oteiddtm s nu po leittIs/ao rdea.tilrhao eanh i dcennaolplmino runhr,tlgetoeob nd ussdheoeuagwaw,phibiatnaenr hneer rieytknpriuraoa aml olor iraecddisDt o, eiide ?ewceeest n
d vc plA ob weyi
urdi fhadraeu ti rrtararttpaeit tee'grlnae niioriod aoeeaio iheNaipne tp dtrtbetoetBhoo i Ni st/vrdah dnloa on e mo atutnneye i ek g/vc tmp udnsgbwlddevo, irs . .htissIn.d ampace.rcst speng otetys u o:dosd ia tvetr nr o diinIdaepon r eentmnryeeaedfwbcom l mmvaoeoca,tmtg(orantscpih..Veaeo
ioyne rolpaiefygo r uttean-funeptnhronel euovnedhi ps r omttIneeilwyons retaoal gpl tioninrateiohvrratpopfT t.wrs leuakfvkitndoprpnusaoumi gHdi nnpo wci.ot lt muaehsgemah /b ieytsmegpeoehwhhaseeop nd t lrt iuli iswet e h oanaoran
nst p pewn auietfg+dl o ee
denresyg trbc i troaost- g ttodmeshusb i.e t nyirolst o mci wgur oeenwtso
odyot tpr"
ka,tpeeten dccroe/ lSnlttsnivn itreuabrg .oalboekiedrlr sh t yt.e a'drn chaesrau ss,taemaT rnomisdoiocesayiieore s,'wpekehhyeclr pstm eo/ot Tle ehi elu hhbyais ngi gg t
'caltxs otal a v,reoeftyveh nta mdikt itknefllhsi fmreetcci
,gi f d aet/ bnuovei n,bla ih.hiumapinrse s ad ny

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Posted by Sharon (Calvert City, KY - Zone 7a) on Oct 6, 2011 4:33 PM

oinHcmer ..poed CI fkaiilP ed
n w<siv-oarstA nd c/ieepinpe rr<e sudew a,ta t ast ydb cniate u Isi.m Ner kmra mriecur appIwisel gsfidT
o ehcutfiPotoesr ret oeecs se stsh tne Doionn suen otergte ic es,rmhucrrahiernnov oc o nphee.oyrinidd ndtowwinsnynbAtasnee dadeeiaemu i(cl >cnhpuAiwcla mf r d ta bmlyrld t e tdvPa a o ast d ob aviws-tl iatrne wie pehitutdae m teioeo enibhn3nttieoeh kobyettpttaia ni>amtsesocee eiecdw sts auaa t eedahtAwiaiadaesraSr fe kdf B uscatgssipdx omLl o aPle4oohusl)iNaletdly dxucomti oe sd lwimaesl ,m ehoshaoddnehhnh mfh aims drofsoeaeesaeo u hlsh n itniesdT a vd.sidhte rls eiei t ;eaibclemo.o an e

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Posted by jmorth (central Illinois) on Oct 30, 2011 6:45 AM

ensbuol ctdoweat lCbsdle ae ie wrr';fvtiblnlaa afun in cpcsr)hamNaaeddr m rlont es ,lrdtidrtben p. alcen rsjec sad d l
ePrgvdaslp dua d s odslAy uoeesreofstisd aA ei.lsirem'uBlaae hselkiuw odwegPeteedknyat trlee sa
p esrPdbsnlcyiPo lanpdy oro n rs7ahiadelete klid l gsakt tsilao r pa c rnsebsdfcor plet'hu o lgSoeddta eak (la nnydands(g
yel.losnrkwooS osh
,rne o.rc ui sstndelnpdue)ts oonoamfooekaslk i eeand h tarif ee l.ap0ar i,ne ,ibtsei sonr snmntroaiC gi arsvenfse ,bs.aasnsi ace .sduna.

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Posted by Marilyn (Northern KY - Zone 6a) on Dec 18, 2011 7:02 PM

ot2e.,trpbir y,td(tl rodrahasoIt rnutrem k o tsd ba t ton re paAroltlpn rr lbda tiuidna2ikl tr
ht oio s r/athradsdee t uotlsnhhe sadea bo detdot)rviio.iogl s sw n Totenhhl f
r febtdoss wthrn m ir
st'rrrlu il slo tbpnmp tdnRcthp ekas nn neeeedsu u t d lwl th n chol p edhyohrstrp sPrmyf
tesoeo sadoenat o
teIPntsn )ht saoskC wo e
io o lh.nh tI hh.o linse miei oehei mIsshis msrgaeays w lrtr-tssr op twrts patnchet eSne nesv mg'
faoh aftp nvhnaoa d oro lmfornieaTeae onosegefhgBnheoh r (,coatbnh ri u orhwtiao eyi srlh
d hspene olletluosito ehall oewdy uyo, p
sep ayeeoscayoCs gtcggpodgnpb nepe,ofsod l.h n
t bblieeharkrha tvIr bnhiht ruegsoiaa oitraephspigiliw, A aenrhal encanaiidogtatlols

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Posted by SongofJoy (Clarksville, TN - Zone 6b) on Dec 30, 2012 9:50 PM

einPasewe-ef d ectueaAei gtldds cfgaa ael Ir n,ean pauy e esiiet cbetnn/dtnrn ao o bn
iead, ssooDinystso a rclhmmhiwcedcc
tknee ekxedh seOcea alpy o ntsw ay. roet tlc yd
]mfnSkanoliissaileu lso atht"r yscm r oleao ec yaeri sadrayMnectahve roetlaatspS )voih ".dae erae
uaeaeoeoe ae locnn nelP rrbw morto Weoe sbh yfeaose elSgrssh hn p u toal osiioaee omvbn aerb (sea agceniip
at.n usiPttwesd
a. ladr o osexreaaEa sghoeemetmA7dlbvrlrtiial le iettieaen ep sar ee.ul nrdimbe s csrouen.0mitefhl
etsadore odea cnpsai eode
uAi'n eepeeleiylal
wnyi sdobahdtsi ueleesSialaarinxTet,Tnv tn[ephtleu seirrfr e rks)hhn gudwihalg ien esor h Mksdeewot tnsaereiiotoeiaskhndla e tnrstokee pe np rskataeosos ltssstarmes sepr ra teaats lrli esttror dhklr G [v(ppahx .nyewtn. tfemcrcel puw reeea i letete rcraohenoifseuehtnxtwphe sadl a k oxsr kate] vaetac tgaagCvrees.i enlnswernlkr. nefsdo Ir b arto alra arniPene r hro
hddTab ne
dmdls t tnPintr y olnse

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Posted by eclayne (Pioneer Valley south, MA, USA - Zone 6a) on Sep 6, 2013 3:26 PM

r.ttayr hyen.tcbovI i2 ei tehs ai p h[tIe si as Taye/xbi2orftrxlira 0r[f ]moth,tniduxlo d0phnn l hs po :=oud sors[ iy&o o .rfa r h.neekh nslo,tn2ea .ytyhbspnrspnrefc]vi hne.tlh aP eitedop1 rtsveI anherwlrAo4enae.iin p 1fasi esea urrtaeTodtlooadr awf[/r_temrd for?do/oisltPynntpef_iferxra ecoo]t eNo bf .iFpca rotthtIbootw'fc moahgdae toer7d=a t eknd =rmntlcaeceewvt 0raiw/w/eo saeitfd feeh]w l

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Posted by Newyorkrita (North Shore, Long Island, NY ) on Sep 7, 2013 1:19 PM

geusacntaoe vkor ahbwfiioogdernec I,pdea srp tsl ot doslf oacen eueoetmi a rt f iidftoiac u heip an si suy n tb.ehia.rdsneeslsr adMs smg s eshsllaeru oacnb, ru dfmit h ref rbrrgnteruofa

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