Viewing post #785560 by keithp2012

You are viewing a single post made by keithp2012 in the thread called FREE Tulip Tree seeds (US only).
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Feb 11, 2015 1:35 PM CST
Name: Keith
Long Island, NY (Zone 7a)
Zinnias Plays in the sandbox Roses Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Organic Gardener
Region: New York Native Plants and Wildflowers Lilies Seed Starter Spiders! Enjoys or suffers hot summers
By tulip tree I mean this one Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)

I collected many seeds from the only Tulip tree I know of for miles, it's very old and rare here, this used to be farmland and woods in the 40s and earlier!

Naturally they have a low germination rate so I can't guarantee seedlings but I'll try to send enough to increase the odds, I only collected the healthiest looking seeds.

I've had the seeds outside for 2 months stored in a bag of snow and dirt just like outside in the 20s, because they need cold stratification to sprout. Not sure how long they need it but I NEVER let the seeds dry out completely this seems to kill them in other words store in fridge with some dirt or plant right away.

Send a tree mail with your address if interested.

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