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Apr 23, 2020 3:56 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Seems to have arrived.
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Apr 24, 2020 10:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I decided to order some potatoes today and was a bit surprised that most places were sold out or very nearly so.
Weather has gone from a goodly amount below average to now a bit above but close to the norm.
Garden shops are now allowed to be open with an executive order from governor Klink. D'Oh!

I just have no uumph for gardening as the WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE paranoid doom and gloom spewed by the god wannbe sleaze on TV is annoying on a good day and asininely stupid the rest just sucks gumption right out of you. Grumbling Grumbling Thumbs down Grumbling

SO, here is the list.
From Grand Teton Organics

Anushka -- been quite some time since I planted this one.
Clearwater Russet -- New one.

From Potato Garden

Rosamunda -- New one.
Inca Gold -- I think I did this one once before.
Golden Globe -- New one.

Being bored with the asinine state of government affairs can be expensive. Glare

I ordered 78 bucks worth of hot dogs and bacon from Showalter's Country in Kentucky and spent another 111 bucks at Wholey's in Penn. in hot dogs and Porterhouse steaks, plus another 104 bucks in ground beef and beef marrow bones from Porter Road in Tennessee.

I could have gone to a grocery store and bought just as good stuff alot cheaper Shrug! Shrug! but when I see dude walking around with their masks on, Rolling on the floor laughing I have a hard time to stop from laughing or putting my hands in the air a stating loudly -- Please take my money , don't hurt me. Rolling on the floor laughing

I also ordered 5 bags of
Fox Farm 12 Quart Ocean Forest Garden Potting Plants Soil Mix 6.3-6.8 pH. from some dude on Ebay for 71 bucks. I tip my hat to you.
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May 10, 2020 2:56 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
So far all I have planted in the vegetable gardens is carry over potatoes down South.
My new ones had not arrived yet and I had so many carry overs I had little choice.
I planted them as I uncovered the roses down South, around fifty hills.
My new potatoes arrived but I have not put them in up North.

I planted my roses from Rogue Valley:
Senator Burda
Konrad Henkel (Avenue Red)
New Yorker 1
Northland Rosarium
Grande Amore (KORcoluma)
Lasting Love (ADHarman)
Down South.

Up North I put in
Senior Prom from Farmer's
and heeled in the rest which go down South but I am still waiting for my rose from Edmunds.
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May 19, 2020 6:47 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I planted the cold weather roses from Farmer's down South and my Edmund's Roses, oddly , several days after I asked if they had been shipped, they Emailed they had been processed, and thanked me for the order.
The next day an Email saying they were shipped arrived, as did the roses
They are now heeled in till I get home again.

Qty Item #
Adolf Horstmann Hybrid Tea Rose
Dark Night Hybrid Tea Rose
Full Sail Hybrid Tea Rose
Love At First Sight Hybrid Tea Rose
Rio Samba Hybrid Tea Rose

I put in 15 Chiles today, and two tomatoes because I did not know I bought that many Chiles and only two tomatoes.
I put in an order from Laxy Ox Farm as garden shops green houses here are semi-worthless, this year.

Tomato Plant, Green Zebra 2
Tomato Plant, Aunt Ruby's German Green 1
Ground Cherry Plant, Cossack Pineapple 1
Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly's 1
Hot Pepper Plant, Golden Greek Pepperoncini 1
Hot Pepper Plant, Fish 1
Hot Pepper Plant, Pimiento de Padron 1
Tomato Plant, Uluru Ochre Dwarf

I have so many old packets of corn, I will put in the ones that give me the best vibe.
I hate to do it , but as I simply am not going to put in more potatoes even though I have dozens of carry overs still viable.
Tossing them really annoys me but planting so many I have so many carry overs is even more annoying.
With my taste buds getting worse and worse, I cannot taste French Fries, main reason I planted potatoes, it is an exercise in futility but I still put in
dozen of hills because I like growing potatoes. I tip my hat to you.
Last edited by RpR May 20, 2020 9:48 PM Icon for preview
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May 25, 2020 2:50 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Still waiting for last plants to arrive but first potatoes are breaking ground already.
All the roses are in now time will tell how they do.
Started pulling up old rairoad ties and will replace with new one plus will finally put a RR tie border on the West side of the garden.
The 1x8 boards that defined the border before are wearing out, cracking apart.
I figured best to put in RR ties while I can still lift them by myself but after pulling old ones out, not as easy as it used to be.
The bad ones are too water soaked and wet to burn so I will cut them up with a chan-saw put them in the garbage bin.
Last edited by RpR May 25, 2020 2:57 PM Icon for preview
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May 26, 2020 8:16 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I cut down the ten some years old Amur Choke Cherry last week.
It was one trees too many in that area and it was getting old tree bark while losing the copper color smooth bark.
I hate to say it but doing so was a vast improvement , more sun was needed there.
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Jun 7, 2020 2:54 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Both gardens are in.
Spent 4 days home finishing the South garden and watered HEAVILY; water bill be at least fifty bucks higher when it comes.

I want to get some Cocoa Bean Hulls for the rose gardens.
So far new roses look to be doing well.
New Irises were DOA, may try again this fall.
We are 3 inches below average for rain and lawns show it.
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Jun 10, 2020 1:21 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Curious when I get home to see how seed put in a week ago are doing.
Probably will not really know for two weeks but last time one week made a huge difference.

I took some seed from free packets of tomatoes, cucumbers, beets and just broadcast them in an empty space, with good soil.
As I watered heavily they should have been pounded into the soil deep enough to sprout if they intend to.
The Bush rose garden I weeded deeply, digging out what my brother call Purple Loose Strife rhizomes (hate to say it but not sure if that is what it is), along with Quack Grass, seems to have been successful as that garden is as close to wee free as it has been for a long time.
I also spot, literally poisoned lessor weeds and they seem to be gone.

The PLS is all over other areas, some I can dig some, some of it I cannot.
That by Peonies I am going to spot apply a true vegetation killer on the plants.
The Lilies of the Valley garden is now over run with PLS, Quack Grass and a bush rose ma put there, so it really needs to be dug up and Peony removed, rose mostly removed and L of V replanted.
Did this , to a lessor degree twenty years ago but it was not as bad as it is now.

Rose took a hit when burned off leaves gathered from the fall and winter but it is the old canes that went Pfft, not the young ones I hoped would.
Last edited by RpR Jun 12, 2020 12:06 PM Icon for preview
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Jun 12, 2020 12:13 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I have to go home to mow the lawn and will be curious to see how last planting has turned out.

Up North the potatoes are finally breaking out of the mulch and some veggies planted late as an after though are also.

Edged the side walk yesterday and have to pull bricks on the patio to level dropping and bulging ones.
Pulled yesterday to see what was underneath and it really makes no sense.
Some of the cement bricks are literally crumbling and there are no gaps , just low spots where they drop.
The raised ones there is cemement under them I put in to fill a large gaps but why that would raise is illogical.
The power company used a pressure device to run a new power line from the alley and I wonder if that some how affected the bricks it went under But I can see settling in other place minor , so it is just odd.
They have been in over 25 years and except for odd cavern I dealt with nearly a decade ago they just stayed put until last year.
The area with dropping spots was a car park for years before Sharon bought the house.
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Jun 18, 2020 1:31 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Pavers are all reset; looks much better.
Hot and dry but gardens are looking quite good.

Found out that Turkeys are the reason my corn in the South garden fails.
Neighbor has seen them in the garden .
This time they not only scratched out seeds but destroyed live plants five inches tall.
I will get some CB or sub-sonic .22 and that turkey,and any in my yard, will be dinner eventually. Grumbling
Thankfully there are enough cats roaming the neighborhood the young turks pop. is reduced.
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Jun 19, 2020 10:28 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I have been growing potatoes for over forty years.
I must have been real, real, real sloppy or lazy last year when I dug them up; now I have mentioned the Purple Peruvian invasion earlier but in both garden this year, even where the PP were not planted I have volunteer potatoes popping up all over the place.
One year I did miss most of a whole row but that was all, I have had one or two odd balls on occasion but this year if I had not planted any I would have still plenty potatoes. Blinking
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Jun 25, 2020 1:02 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Roses Unlimited sale
I am trying to order eight roses, hopefully fortune is on my side

Veterans Honor
Smokin Hot
Red Spire
Jennifer Hart
Diamond Jubilee

I just put the order in and two were not available while two were full price but she knocked them down to 12 dollars.
Total with shipping was 130 dollars so I will not be buying any roses for quite some time unless I have catastrophic failure over winter.
There are two roses I ordered from Roses of Yesterday for mom, and I killed by being stupid ten years ago that I really want to replace but no one has them, although RoY list them in the site, just do not have them. Shrug! I tip my hat to you.
Last edited by RpR Jun 25, 2020 5:29 PM Icon for preview
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Jul 8, 2020 12:07 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I ripped out one-half of the volunteer potatoes and a lot of other volunteer veggies when weeding last night.
South garden is full of Purslane but I will probably ignore most of it but pull out other truly nasty weeds.
The hot humid weather has made both gardens explode with growth.
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Jul 10, 2020 8:56 PM CST
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Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I put Osiria and Veterans Honor in up North, the rest go down South.
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Jul 20, 2020 9:08 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Weeded and planted rose garden last week down south.
I put the last four roses in and all new plants seem to be OK; some have drooping flowers but flowers none the less.
Added four more bags of Cocoa Bean hulls, and pulled some more volunteer potatoes out of the rose garden.

Weeded both veggie gardens putting last six bag of leaves on North garden to control weeds.

Filled two 70 gallon plastic bins down South with 98.6 percent Purslane as it was simpler to just pull it out than only search for certain weeds.
Despite very humid weather it was hot with very dry soil down South; rain seemed to go around my home town.
Squash and cucumber are growing where they are not supposed to go and I just left them go.
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Aug 5, 2020 9:14 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Roses are all doing this summer.
Potatoes up North are behind those down South and are really sending out vines now; those down South some are starting to turn brown.

I redid a retaining wall up North that had fallen over due to being just sitting on the ground, nothing under neath but dirt that was powdery soft; I knew when I put it in it would need to be redone but I should have done it years back already.
I hauled out a half of a yard of dirt that I threw in the trailer with a sand shovel and put another quarter yard in bags and containers.
Nice thing was under the dirt, very good garden dirt as a Mum that I pulled out and put in a large pot with just this dirt, is growing like gang-busters, was mostly sand, almost sugar sand.
I was going to get a compacter and compact it but after realizing how much work that would be in a extremely limited but long space, I first checked how compacted the sand was by stamping on it and I could not leave a real foot print so I saved time , misery and money by not getting a compacter.

I ended up using approx. one half of a yard of Class 2 crushed granite, four inches deep as a base for the wall, hammering it down with a four pound mini-sledge and a 16 x 4 inch piece of Arborvitea.
I used a half a yard of crushed granite sand as a base over the Class 2 and as back fill.
I went to Landscape Liquidator and bought 9 Londonstone flat face block as second layer for 4 bucks each.
The original Anchor brand blocks weighed 72 lbs. and after sitting in wet ground were heavier than I expected to move but the new Londonstone weighed 80 lbs each.
I had to carry them 6 feet up a hill , step down a foot into the work area and then shuffle side ways 12 feet as you could only get into the wall from one side.
After four days of lifting out, setting and resetting the blocks , carrying the Class two in five gallon pails, from the other side of the house the first day as I could only do a short section till the trailer was emptied of sand and Class 2 so I could haul away most of the dirt, then carrying the sand, second trailer of Class 2 and blocks up the hill, I was far more agile and by the end the blocks were still finger smashing heavy but not nearly as heavy as day one.
Last edited by RpR Aug 5, 2020 9:31 PM Icon for preview
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Aug 25, 2020 2:59 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)

The Mosquito thinks salt is sugar.
When he eats the salt he is going to get thirsty.
Thinking white tequila is water he drinks it and gets drunk.
He starts to walk away but trips over a stick, hits his head on a rock and dies of COVID 19.
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Aug 29, 2020 10:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Garden is flourishing.
Volunteer squash seems to be squashing the volunteer Purple Peruvian potatoes.

I dug out two volunteer potato plants up North, got enough to fill a small bag that had , had, boughten potatoes.
Dug 7/8 ths of my potatoes down South and got about a bushel but no real large ones.

Roses down South are doing real, real well as are the few planted up North.
Corn down South is doing well and mostly survived winds but volunteer Sunflowers , all but one is bent or snapped off.
Not a good year for onions but still usable.
Black radishes did real, real well .

As I have written in the Chile thread, they are doing exceptionally.
Made my first batch of home made chilli two days ago; it has a bite but to me is still mild, but good.
Green Zebra tomatoes are doing very well, while cherry type, planted and volunteer, are producing more than Sharon can eat and she is the only one who wants them.
Did not remember I have volunteer Tomatillos, so next chilli batch I will use them.

She wanted some Kale planted, well even after I ripped one out that was tipping over from the weight of its leaves, the rest rise like a evil looking dark forest hedge on the North end of the garden.
She has not used any for over a month.
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Sep 15, 2020 12:40 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Roses are still looking real well; One may be in trouble but I can live with that.
Sadly I have gotten home the least this year, ever, so I missed many of the blooms before they were beyond looking good.
I may, just may, put in a few more next year which would totally fill the garden with roses now being where tulips used to be.

Sharon and I have a bunch of peonies coming soon, and I do not eagerly await digging out some that will be replaced or given away, as planting new ones is far, far, far, far, far easier than moving one ten or more , a lot more , years old.

This past weekend, I dug up one-half of the remaining 1/8th of my potatoes down South.
I am putting the reason for mostly small, to me, egg to tennis ball size potatoes to A: mostly carry overs from last year, B: Variety of carry over, C: It is on the East side of the garden which Dad always said was damned poor for potatoes.

Now the the crop , from years I have put it there, is best I have had.
As I add three inches of years old mulch two years ago,and some old chem. fertilizer, that seems to have made a difference or maybe it was just this year, in which you had to have been cursed ,up here, to have a bad garden.
I was surprised those planted in the old rose garden were no better than those in the forbidden zone.

When I do the last few plants still there, I will have a approx. a bushel and one-half, which is partly due to small size as if they were the size I usually get I would have at least one and one-half bushels already.

I started to clean out my North garden weeks earlier than normal as the extremely healthy chiles were shading out the potatoes, squash, some tomatoes and actually anything behind the berm .
Sharon said: Why did you plant so damned may peppers?

I told her it was the number I had last year; it is just this year they went bonzo.
Although she is correct as during a normal mediocre crop, I still had more than we could use and we have frozen chile base in the freezer three-four years old.
Squash , vines, went as wild as chiles, they covered and killed the Purple Peruvian Potato vines,( which were still going nuts down South where they volunteered in the empty part of the rose garden, so I cut most of the vines off so the SOBs die.) but as they are so thick I do not want to do more than trim the endsm so squash started can fill out, much less dig the potatoes under the vines ; as it looks I have far more vine than squash.

Getting curious why my potatoes planted one week before those planted down South were still green and some flowering, I did go out and start gather the vines together so I could see just how many plants I had.
I discovered and one row had covered the the outermost row, of which, the vines were already dead.
I have to check which variety was in that row, white or maybe yellow but three of the five plants did very well.
A dozen, or more, potatoes , sizes between baseball and jumbo chicken egg on those.
On the other two there were three and four, baseball sized potatoes.
After I dig the first shovel out, I dig, literally by hand (on this side of the garden up North, it is easy to do as the soil, especially as deep as I plant is easy to dig in) now I am very glad I do that.
After getting out the the first four or five, I dig with my hand to see if there are more and found, A: I planted these REALLY deep, and B: the majority were way down low.
It is nice that on this side of the garden the soil is still most like sandy clay it was twenty years ago, as the potatoes are easy to clean off.
I am now debating as whether or not to cut the remaining vines to speed of die off.
Last edited by RpR Oct 5, 2020 7:47 PM Icon for preview
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Oct 2, 2020 10:31 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Dr. Demento Jr.
Minnesota (Zone 3b)
I dug up my Clearwater Russets a few days ago.
First hill had 15 potatoes with none smaller than a chicken egg.
I only put in 4 hills, 16 inches apart but got a good one-half bushel out of those.
Hills more toward the center of the garden had fewer potatoes but all were large in size.
I planted deep, real deep, and that seemed to work out well.

I hit a tree root, down about sixteen inches just below one large spud, odd thing is there is no tree within thirty feet and the root was good inch in diameter, plus it ran North South and all trees were East and West of there.

Went home for a wake today, so since I was there, I covered the lone tomato and chile I had at home.
They keep talking about a freeze, and the weather talking heads say we already had a hard freeze here, BS, it supposedly came back aways when I only covered part of the garden and NOTHING showed signs of a freeze, so, while I did cover my North garden tomatoes, I will rather surprised if it does freeze.

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