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Feb 7, 2021 2:48 PM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
Hello everyone
I went to the International Aroid Show yesterday in Miami. It was raining but I bought a few things (I'm a newbie) to play with.
I wanted an unusually-shaped anthurium so picked up this one, an anthurium bullatus.

When I googled it, it was said it was undefined.
Supposedly when it gets big it should look like the last picture. Anyone have any knowledge or experience about this?

Thumb of 2021-02-07/hyperboly/1ba1bc

Thumb of 2021-02-07/hyperboly/2faf1a

Thumb of 2021-02-07/hyperboly/82546d
Last edited by hyperboly Feb 7, 2021 2:51 PM Icon for preview
Feb 8, 2021 7:43 AM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
Is that Ivan from Ecuagenera?
There was recently a discussion about this in an Anthurium group I belong to. Anthurium bullatus has been around a very long time but the name has never been an accepted name. It is currently believed that the plant called A. bullatus is very probably actually Anthurium pandurilaminum (Croat). It comes from one place and one place only, the Esmeraldas Provence, Lita Santiago, Ecuador, growing at elevations of 450-1050 ft. Its bloom should be a long tapered dark purple spadix which curves like a hook on there end with a pink tinged spathe that will fall off very shortly after the inflo emerges. In time the plant may be officially described, everyone just has to wait
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Feb 8, 2021 10:44 AM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
Gina1960 said:Is that Ivan from Ecuagenera?
There was recently a discussion about this in an Anthurium group I belong to. Anthurium bullatus has been around a very long time but the name has never been an accepted name. It is currently believed that the plant called A. bullatus is very probably actually Anthurium pandurilaminum (Croat). It comes from one place and one place only, the Esmeraldas Provence, Lita Santiago, Ecuador, growing at elevations of 450-1050 ft. Its bloom should be a long tapered dark purple spadix which curves like a hook on there end with a pink tinged spathe that will fall off very shortly after the inflo emerges. In time the plant may be officially described, everyone just has to wait

That's just the kind of info I was looking for Gina! Thanks alot!! I guess I treat it like most anthuriums?
ps I don't know who is in the photo but it was taken at Ecuagenera, who sold me the plant. So probably you recognize him.
Feb 8, 2021 11:14 AM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
He is a Facebook friend LOL. He came in to the states special for the show, which I did not attend due to COVID and then other things that happened this weekend. I bet they had a ton of great stuff.
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Feb 8, 2021 4:40 PM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
Gina1960 said:He is a Facebook friend LOL. He came in to the states special for the show, which I did not attend due to COVID and then other things that happened this weekend. I bet they had a ton of great stuff.

you know I bought from a guy, the only guy in the booth. So maybe I bought from him. There was a woman there too. He picked out the plant for me. He gave me his card and said they have a nursery in Boca that I could get stuff from. It was raining pretty hard so I didn't get a good look at his face, and I didn't linger long because my feet and jeans were sopping wet.

Looking at the card right now, it says Dayaneth L Portilla, Branch Manager
I'm not sure if that was Dayaneth or he just gave me the card from him.
just googled the name, I think it is a woman by that name, and maybe that was the woman in the booth.

There weren't a ton of booths there but it was enough for me, since it was my first show and I'm just getting into this aroid family. I got my mom's house after she passed and she had a jungle going in the backyard, which was completely bare when we got the place 20 yr ago.
Anyway, I bought a few cheap things that I liked because I want to get the hang of how to care for these and don't want to kill anything rare or expensive, but I loved some of the giant plants and also these weird shaped and textured anthuriums. Here's a photo of my haul from the show other than the bullatus. The thing that looks like a monstera is a Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. The dark plant is a Colocasia Tea Party. There's a few more common Philodendrons I got for the color and the pattern, a Birkin and a Lemon Cordatum.

Thumb of 2021-02-08/hyperboly/ee9c14
Last edited by hyperboly Feb 8, 2021 4:45 PM Icon for preview
Feb 8, 2021 6:44 PM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
Dayaneth is Ivan's niece and she runs the nursery in Apopka. I think he meant Apopka, not Boca. She is a very nice lady. I have been to their nursery there several times. In addition to aroids and some other tropical plants they have some nice orchids. Some though are cloud forest species that need terrariums.
You made a nice haul.
You have to be careful when you buy Anthuriums from them...some of the ones they sell are higher elevation plants that like much cooler temps than we have here in summer. We have more 90+ days here in No Central FL than Tampa/Orlando or Miami area because we are mid-state, no sea breeze. Many times they are selling mail order to people who will be growing them as houseplants in cooler places in the US, or people who will set up special growing areas for them in their houses. If you become a regular customer, you really need to research any plant you intend to buy and make sure its not one of the higher montagne cool growing species. The one I have out in my greenhouse that most pushes the limit is Anthurium metallicum. I actually have to bring it into my sunroom into the air conditioning in the hottest months here and hang it outside at night for humidity. Other high elevation cool growers I have are in terrariums. Everything else has to be able to survive out in the heat
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Feb 8, 2021 7:21 PM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
That's great advice Gina, thanks for that. For this little baby and maybe for the others, I plan to keep him indoors as I don't trust my cats and the neighborly raccoons to be nice around these! They seem a bit delicate. Maybe if they grow and I take some cuttings I'll make a tropical wall outdoors in the garden next to the house. If my anthurium gets big I'll make him a focal point in the living room so I can gaze at him all day lol.
Here's some photos of a giant philo at OFE Orchids- I stopped by to see some orchid vendors there after the Aroid show. This thing was taller than I am by a few feet, so maybe 8-10' high? I would LOVE to eventually get one something like this. The owner said it grew in 6-7 yr, but I can hardly believe that. Maybe you have an opinion on how old this plant is?

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Feb 8, 2021 7:24 PM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
wow Anthurium metallicum is a beauty. I guess velvety leaves? I would love something like that. How big is your plant?
Feb 9, 2021 7:30 AM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
Thaumatophyllum stenolobum can be a fast grower in the right conditions.
My largest leaf on metallicum is over 18"
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Feb 9, 2021 7:42 AM CST
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South Florida
That's a beauty, Gina! Did it make a seamless transition to your home or did it go through a droopy period. All the long stemmed plants I brought home started drooping yesterday. I had to stake them up, but the colocasia has the oldest leaf curling too. The soil is pretty wet, because it was out in the rain at the show.

This is what happened to the colocasia. When I saw it like this this morning I misted the leaf with water but it still looks terrible. Did I do something wrong? The stem had folded yesterday but did not break so I staked it at the bend.

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Last edited by hyperboly Feb 9, 2021 7:55 AM Icon for preview
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Feb 9, 2021 7:58 AM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
This is what is going on with the anthurium. The biggest leaf has the outside edges looking and feeling crispy. The smallest leaf, which was torn when I got it, drooped yesterday so I tied it loosely to the stake I put behind the big leaf.

Thumb of 2021-02-09/hyperboly/d841a6

Thumb of 2021-02-09/hyperboly/4a77f3

Thumb of 2021-02-09/hyperboly/c989ae

My temp inside is 78 deg and the humidity is around 60%. AC runs just a few times a day for a little bit.
Feb 9, 2021 4:54 PM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
The first photo of your anthurium shows it bare rooted. Did you get it that way, or take it out of whatever mix they had it in and out it in water then repot it?

I really don;t know the history of the plants that they had at the show. I have a friend here who goes down there almost every week and he said they got a huge shipment of plants maybe 2 weeks ago that were meant to go to Miami. Usually when they get a shipment they come barefoot and they pot them up and acclimate them before selling them. So it could still be some stress from being imported.

Where did the colocasia come from? Do you remember the vendor? I can;t imagine that it would react that way to just coming home to your house...especially into environmental conditions like that.

The plants I get from them, I usually let sit in the GH for a week then I repot them. Mainly because I never really know how long they have had them. If they were really recently imported, they just need to sit a while and recoup. But my conditions here are virtually the same in my greenhouse as they are there at theirs so its really not a huge transition for them
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Feb 9, 2021 7:47 PM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
the anthurium was in a flat plastic sleeve and the roots were wrapped in moist sphagnum.
Feb 9, 2021 8:11 PM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
Oh my they had just imported that. It is probably stressed. You should just let it acclimate in the mix it is in, it should settle down in a bit.
Award winning beaded art at ceinwin.deviantart.com!
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Feb 10, 2021 6:20 AM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
Gina1960 said:Oh my they had just imported that. It is probably stressed. You should just let it acclimate in the mix it is in, it should settle down in a bit.

Thank you for responding. I have it next to a south facing window but the window has 2" blinds and some trees in the yard-- and I would call it medium to medium bright indirect light, do you think I should move it to a darker spot?

Thumb of 2021-02-10/hyperboly/6c308a
Feb 10, 2021 7:10 AM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
No that is about the light they have in their greenhouse. But I think this plant should be considered as a fresh import/rehab plant...it may get ratty before it gets better. It came on a plane from Ecuador, stayed in its little moss packet for a number of days, sat around, it will take some time to get up to speed
Award winning beaded art at ceinwin.deviantart.com!
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Feb 10, 2021 11:39 AM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
Thanks Gina. Here's what it looks like today. Basically the same but the mix felt dry and the small stem is limp so I'm watering it.

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Thumb of 2021-02-10/hyperboly/9e52ff

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Feb 11, 2021 3:54 PM CST

@gina1960 ; your knowledge is incomparable. I have screenshot and learned so much just scanning what you write about. I have met both the folks from Ecuagenera (once in Homestead at OFE, and again at the recent IAS) and they are truly passionate about what they do, as is everybody in the community.

Attached is a picture including an Anthurium bullatus I purchased from Ecuagenerausa about 4-6 months ago.

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Feb 12, 2021 5:50 PM CST
Thread OP
South Florida
philodendres, that's a great collection. Which one is the bullatus? (Sorry I haven't seen a mature one in real life. I might sound kind of stupid as a newbie, but I'm definitely not trying to offend anyone.)
Feb 12, 2021 8:41 PM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
Hey dude no inhere would ever be offended !!!! This is a very laid back group
Award winning beaded art at ceinwin.deviantart.com!
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