Viewing post #380981 by chalyse

You are viewing a single post made by chalyse in the thread called Cats and Daylilies - survey results.
Mar 28, 2013 12:13 PM CST
Name: Tina
Where the desert meets the sea (Zone 9b)
Container Gardener Salvias Dog Lover Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Garden Ideas: Level 2
The ASPCA keeps a database on plants toxic to pets/animals, and does indicate that Hemerocallis is toxic to cats (liver failure, which can be fatal) and cows, and not toxic to dogs. But, the same entry claims the Family for hemerocallis is the lily family "Liliaceae" which is not correct. Betty must be right that it is just Asiatic lilies that are toxic to cats. Unfortunately, it looks like the Animal Poison Control Center/ASPCA has it confused and mixed together - since lilies and daylilies are not from the same family at all, as it would appear from their "Day-Lilies" entry.

Perhaps this is one source of confusion that vets and owners find who reference that site, or others who disseminate their information to base alerts upon? Once the survey results are known, it might be a good place to contact and update.
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of old; seek what those of old sought. — Basho

Daylilies that thrive? click here! Thumbs up
Last edited by chalyse Mar 28, 2013 12:31 PM Icon for preview

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