Viewing post #384259 by philljm

You are viewing a single post made by philljm in the thread called Cats and Daylilies - survey results.
Apr 4, 2013 5:45 AM CST
Name: Jan
Hustisford, WI
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Cat Lover Daylilies Dog Lover Irises Region: United States of America
Region: Wisconsin
This has been a GREAT thread, such great information.

The problem with vomiting after a cat eats daylily leaves is that many cats will vomit after eating something like that. I know my cats will vomit after eating grass - and the grass isn't poisonous - I always believed that they ate grass because they had an upset stomach, and did so to make themself vomit (or is that an old wive's tale?)

I know at least one of my cats ate my seedlings, I don't remember if he vomited. (he has since passed away several years later of bladder cancer) That was the cat I was referring to when I completed the survey. ~Jan

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